Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Welcome to Bank Shots (Rebooted)

Hello all. We're going to try and start anew here at Bank Shots after a rough initial outing. Just a little information on me and what to expect:

I graduated with a degree in journalism from from Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio in 2006. I've worked for a few small papers and helped out in small, part-time roles at the Express-News. After seeing newsrooms across the country shred their staff I bailed on those dreams and am pursuing teaching, so this blog will serve as one of the last outlets for my writing.

Being from San Antonio I am a huge Spurs fan. I try and keep a grounded and unbiased take on all things NBA but this blog will probably be a little Spurs-centric. That being said, I want to stop short of calling this strictly a Spurs site as I often have thoughts on the entire NBA in general.

There will be the mandatory lists from time to time (best players, teams, overrated, underrated, All-Stars, etc., etc.), columns, a few attempts at humor and while I won't do game recaps--there are newspapers still in existence after all--I will try to maintain a semi-daily feature titled "Bank Shots" with random thoughts across the NBA.

In addition to my work as a freelance and staff reporter over the past few years I've also worked as an artist from time to time and will post paintings as they come up.

I'm a Spurs season ticket holder for the first time and using that and Twitter I'm hoping to have live game comments for anyone who cares to follow along.

I follow a lot of different blogs and writers., Kelly Dwyer on Yahoo Sports, ESPN TrueHoop and Bill Simmons are among my regular reads. I've never been a big stats +/- guy. Though I do see value in them I believe they simply serve as something that should narrow down what you look for then allow for an eye test.

Now, as far as what I expect. I'd like for you guys to comment on anything you'd like: Whether you have tips for my writing style (like or dislike), my opinions. Mostly I just want to have some healthy basketball discussions here. Thanks and enjoy.

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