Sunday, October 25, 2009

Not Another Team Preview: Previewing Fans in the Central Division

By now every major team publication or website's team previews have been out for some time (Hollinger and Dwyer are my two favorites) so other than adding a funny line (as if I had any) or rewording a particular sentence there is not much I can add you don't already know about the upcoming NBA season.

So rather than go into the usual cut and paste, blog obligatory features (positional rankings, over/underrated and power ranking) or breaking down the game of our 12th man to its most minute detail, I thought I'd flip the script and create a preview even the countless number of sports bloggers could use. So without further ado-feel free to add and contribute to the list-here is the annual preview of NBA team fans:

Chicago Bulls

They can count the friggin’ President of the United States among their ranks. The old SNL skits with John Goodman aren’t too far off. Da Bulls.

Weaknesses: The old SNL skits with John Goodman aren’t too far off.

In the mind of the fans:
“Post players are still overrated”

“Is it to early to order a Wade jersey?”

Cleveland Cavaliers
Strengths: Indians, Browns, pre-Lebron Cavs—Cleveland has the most loyal and tested fans in the entire country.

Weaknesses: Unfortunately they are also the most heart broken fans in history, leading to an extreme fear of success and paranoia.

In the mind of the fans:
“He won’t leave. He won’t leave. He won’t leave (even God’s not that mean, is he?)"

“F-YOU NEW YORK MEDIA. LEAVE US ALONE!” (Perfectly understandable reaction)

Detroit Pistons

Amongst the most rowdy fans in sports.

Weaknesses: Prone to acts of violence.

In the mind of the fans:
“Rodney Stuckey is a point guard. Ben Wallace, not Chauncey, was the true heart of the Pistons, and Ben Gordon is the next Microwave.”

“Wasting our cap space?! If we had wanted Bosh we would have drafted him the first time.”
Indiana Pacers

Birthplace of the film Hoosiers and Larry Bird.

Addiction to Reggie Miller highlights.

In the mind of the fans:
“Is there still enough time to trade for Kirk Hinrich?”

“Is there still enough time to trade for Adam Morrison?”

“Is there still enough time to trade for Nick Collison?”

“Do you think we can sign Brent Barry?”

Milwaukee Bucks
Ability to handle extreme climates. ???

Weaknesses: Laverne and Shirley.

In the mind of the fans:

“If our owner doesn’t want to spend money on our team, then neither do we.”

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